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Home Design & Decor

It’s that time again: our picks for the top interior design trends 2025. If the developing interior design trends of 2025 are teaching us anything, it’s that the global pandemic and a tense election year have done a number on our collective psyche. For a lot of people, the world isn’t the friendly place it used to be. People want to go out less and, when that social itch rears its head, bring the party to their place. That means making homes and apartments comfy, cozy, entertaining, and custom sanctuaries that fit their personalities. We’ll get more specific, but notice how every style that made our interior design trends 2025 list comes back to these insular themes. 

Earth Colors Come Naturally

Photo credit: Envato

Ever heard of color-drenching? It’s where you really commit to a color. And by commit, we mean floors, trim, wainscoting… even furniture: all one shade. It’s going to be big in 2025 because color-drenching is insular. It creates an impenetrable stronghold of color that allows us to feel that nothing can drag us out of the house if we don’t want it. But since we want to nestle into these enclaves, the last few years’ favor for cold colors is giving way to warmer, earthier tones. Richer shades. Darker shades. Expect to see a lot of people rooting down with colors like:

  • Mocha
  • Burgundy
  • Forest green
  • Terracotta
  • Mustard

Vintage Vibes Are Like Familiar Friends

Photo credit: Envato

What’s more comforting than the past? We already know how that story ends. We know that we make it out of that chapter of our lives just fine. So, a lot of people looking forward to the interior design trends 2025 is serving up are actually looking back to the past with vintage vibes. Of course, this opens up a lot of options because different eras are more welcoming to different people. Some will find a minimal, functional bathroom with plenty of mirrors to be their ideal ‘80s sleek and chic solution. Others may be drawn to the floral and rustic Little House on the Prairie-lite aesthetics of the cottagecore scene

Experts tend to be flocking to the Art Deco patterns of the Roaring 1920s or the antiquated English look with dark, richly stained wood treatments and antique accessories. But ultimately, you have to decide which portion of the past (if any) speaks to your sensibilities. But on a greater level, the fascination with the past speaks to a greater weariness for lightning-quick trends and passing fads. People crave stability and permanence right now. They’re not necessarily looking for the interior design trends 2025 tastemakers are pushing. They’re looking for something that will transcend the decades. 

Cozy Curves Ahead

Photo credit: Envato

Re-emphasizing that people are over any harshness in their personal spaces, designers are predicting a preference for arches and curves going into 2025. Arched doorways. Arched windows. Curved furniture. As many welcoming contours as they can afford. When compared to sharp angles, curves are cozy. And this all leads back to the idea of creating a personal safe refuge from the outside world. 

Mirrors are frequently being used to make these customized environments seem bigger. But arching mirrors will have a special place in the homes of 2025. So keep your eyes peeled for rounded tables, curving headboards, and chairs with arched backs. 

Welcome the Best Parts of the Natural World Inside

Photo credit: Envato

If you recall our interior design trends list for 2024, biophilic design was right at the top. It turns out that our top interior design trends 2025 is making that trend into a tradition because people love the biophilic aesthetic more than ever. If you’re unfamiliar, biophilic design is about bringing the outside world into your home. Seems like the antithesis of what we’ve been talking about, right? But we don’t mean the manmade outside world; politics, society, religion, class, and all those complications. We mean the natural world. 

Mastering a biophilic aesthetic offers you the chance to create your own paradise manicured to your tastes. Think plenty of natural light sources, meaning huge arching windows, skylights, and floor-to-ceiling glass panels. But even the preference for materials in 2025 speaks to this biophilic inclination. Some of the most popular building materials going into the new year include:

  • Intricately veined marble
  • Exotic stone
  • Richly stained or untreated wood 

The aim is to recreate the meditative atmosphere of the natural world with none of the inherent savagery. 

Get That Max Factor

Photo credit: Envato

We had the honor to speak to maximalist master Hutton Wilkinson at the beginning of 2024 and he touched on the importance of textured layering to keep a home interesting. It seems that his lifelong discipline is coming back into fashion in a big way in 2025. As people search for their own personalities in their private fortresses, they’re finding that space provides their perfect canvas for exploring their identities. Consider it a museum of self… a me-seum? 

But as people burrow further into their individualism, we expect them to pile on the layers of textiles and texture with personal trophies collected from excursions into the confusing world. This means handmade relics, custom artwork, intricate tapestries, and a plethora of materials. 

Strategically Lighting the Path Forward

Photo credit: Envato

But layering isn’t just for the walls. Light sources themselves are getting the orchestral treatment, earning their own spot on our interior design trends 2025 listBut how do you layer light sources? Let’s start with identifying what people don’t want anymore: brutal overhead sources radiantly abusing the room beneath them. Traditionally, overhead lighting was diffused with chandeliers or replaced with strategically placed lamps. But modern homes offer other means of light layering. 

Today you can use projections, battery-operated bulbs and filters, or even tastefully illuminated art pieces to circumvent the dreaded overhead light. Just remember that it’s about more than seeing where you’re going. Light sets a mood; an ambient tone for your home. It’s a lot of responsibility but, when executed well, it can really elevate a space to new heights of comfort. 

Convenience is King (Still)

Photo credit: Envato

Yet, if you’re really trying to make your secluded burrow away from the world, none of the above matters much unless you also have convenience. Fortunately, most modern appliances compete to offer consumers that very benefit. The kitchen is often regarded as the heart of a home, so it pays to put a little extra money into state-of-the-art appliances that make life easier.

The interior design trends 2025 is highlighting often focus on insular comforts, but people aren’t planning on completely cutting themselves off from society. Well, not in most cases anyway. But we’re seeing an added emphasis on home entertainment; not just for residents but for guests. Therefore, convenient appliances come in handy when it’s time to host dinner parties and get-togethers for close friends and family. 

So in 2025, home really is where the heart is… and a lot of other things, if we’re being honest. If you’re planning on spending a lot more time around the abode, you’re really going to need it to reflect your personal comforts. And maybe we should have said this at the beginning of the blog, but here’s our advice: ignore all the interior design trends 2025 is already putting forward. It’s your home; your rules. Choose yourself and your taste. 

Carmelo Ferreira

Carmelo Ferreira

JohnHart Real Estate

DRE - 00909949
Direct - 818.923.4627, Office - 818.246.1099

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